ACCELERATE ACQUISITION* We’ll Book You 100 Dream Buyer Calls In 31 Days OR Less

(Triple-Protection Guaranteed)

Join 4,000+ service-based owners discovering marketing magic to drive 5x more sales. Every Thursday sent directly to your inbox.

A few tweaks to my copy I got 3 calls booked in 48 hours.Jake (happy sub)

Latest Update: 28th June 2024

Dear hungry coach & consultant,

Sorry to be the bearing of bad news…

But the marketing world has changed, FOREVER!

Maybe… it’s the backlash of the pandemic.

Maybe… it’s the start of a new revolution.

Or just maybe… it’s Elon weeding out the fakes from the greats. 

Either way, we get it!

Now you’re probably thinking right now “then how the hell, do I attract my ideal client?”

Every morning you wake hungry to move the needle.

And by the evening you’re mentally banging your head against an already dented brick wall.

Worst yet, you catch yourself in the mirror of truth.

You notice the bags under your eyes are starting to look like suitcases from all the uncertainty.

One minute you’re doing this… next that… then the other thingy.


“I need to write more content”.

“Should I drop 5K on a silky sleek website?”

“Better idea, I’ll start a podcast instead”.

“Can AI help me?”

Errrrr well every solotrepreneur, creator, influencer, granny and viral cat is screaming about ‘em… so yeah I gotta grab it too.

Screw it, I’ll just hit up Twitter ads to boost my content… that’ll get the clicks going.

Yep… Nailed it with this one!

Clients will come running like fangirls to a Harry Styles concert.

(Oh internet gods, please send me a sign)

Real talk… let’s level with you.

Every entrepreneur knows their ICPs are online, textbook!

Because they are… You don’t need a magic 8 ball to tell you that.

But, shiny object syndrome is the NEW pandemic, like a drug you never asked for.

The ‘trends’ are the kingpins, ‘social media’ is the transportation… and the ‘gurus’ are dealers pushing misinformation pills down your throat.

You keep feeding the machine in exchange for cheap dopamine.

Soon the day will come when it’s gets too much and cashflow dries up.

We call this “burnout city”.

This hell your stuck in is only get hotter and hotter every day.

Trust me… we’ve been there, and it SUCKS (big time).

Seriously, we’d sooner walk from London to Glasgow in wet Vans with small stones in our shoes and back, then return to burnout city.

But we’re not talking about us… this is about you.

Look, you’ve read this far because in one way or another you’re running on empty, and you know your business is not what you want it to be.

The line between productive and busy is now a blurry dot.

Hustle culture is for the late starters, not you.

Entrepreneurs kick, scream, push, scratch and disrupt conventional wisdom for a reason.

If this sounds like (a hungry builder) than keep reading…




We Do It For You

Up all night worrying where your next clients going to come from? “Yes, the stress killing my business”.

Outsource D-F-Y managed sales campaigns to accelerate acquisition for small-to-mid size coaching businesses.

And yes, we guarantee only dream buyers as a result (we hate time-wasters too)

Scale Your Business. Take Less Calls. Close More Clients. Collect PIF Cash.

Is your lead generation getting murdered by high CPC and low quality leads with embarrassing ROI?

Let do something about that today.

I’m Lauren, your marketing Alchemist.

We use battle tested persuasion strategies to attract your target audience on X (formerly Twitter) Advertising.

**A/B split tests get leads to raise their hands, say “I need help now“ and take the directed action**

When a lead takes action they immediately go through our unique proven qualifying sales funnel to inject tire-kicker out.

Prospect contact details are obtain (GDPR compliance) and SDRs get to work on the phone to vet the liars.

We Disqualify More Than We Quality For Good Reason.


Your receive all the intelligence about the prospect in advance so you can prepare for your 1-call close sale.

This whole process give you the cleanest lead flow around.

No more amateur cold DMs just an evergreen sales pipelines with 100% predisposed, ready willing and able real people interested in your online service.

…. basically those with high buying intent.



You Do It Yourself

Hyper-targeted marketing training for coaches, consultants and online service-based business owners looking to bullseye the market.

Looking for a shortcut to 7-figures plus?

Well keep searching for that *hack-guru* there are plenty of them waiting for your money.

These programs are designed for the relentless… 10X customer LTV (year on year)

Leads We Generate For Our Social Client Partners

Announcing a remedy to remove all the guesswork, mind-numbing DMs and inauthentic cold emails to gatekeepers —who HIT the trashcan button. For the first time there is a way. (No waffle JUST the bacon)

Fitness and Nutrition

Lean Body Transformation

Body Fat Weight Loss (10 - 74lbs)

1-1 Strength & Physio Recovery

Fad-Free Nutrition Diet Planning

Focused Muscle Mass Building

Routine & Accountability

Peak Sports Conditioning

Scale and Growth

Executive Leadership

Thought-Provoking Strategy

Decision-Making Guidance

Shortening The Failure Gap

Operational Restructuring

Business Capital Investments

Senior Management Hire

What A-Player Like You Actual Want

You want to make it, break it and remake it better.

You’re a born builder that wants more…

More respect

More family time

More financial security

More lead pulling powers

Or maybe you want more of the high-end luxuries, like living in Dubai amongst the ‘elites’ flying first class all the way there, baby.

Do you already have your eye on that AP?

The dream can be whatever you want it to be.

We’ve got great news for you…

Soon you’ll have clear direction and be finally sleeping like a baby.

Attract more leads and booking more quality calls than you ever thought possible in a consistently structured way.

Despite the algorithm shift in the digital eco-sphere.

No more being ghosted like a Tinder creepo, looking for a one nighter.

It’s time to increase your positive response rates.

Instead of spending your weekend starring at an empty inbox.

Start by choosing your own path…

Sign up and level up…



Attract superfan buyers with sexy marketing psychology strategies (with magic that’ll blow your freakin’ mind)

Join smart coaches, consultants & service-based owners discovering the power of marketing magic through added perception.

Every WEEK Thursday, you'll get one new actionable marketing strategy & the real life example of it’s application sent directly to your inbox.

Join for FREE Marketing Alchemy Letter

Learn the fascinating cognitive bias that helps you sell more stuff… in less time!

**powerful ideas free via email every Thursday**


  • Direct response is all about impacting revenue growth!

    Most marketing agencies and business coaches that focus on mass producing unqualified leads - which is ambiguity.

    We address your ICP through targeted creative ads to get them raise their hand and take action.

    But, before they monopolise your time, we qualify them as red hot dream buyers for your realistic 1-call close.

  • We ONLY partner with coaches, consultants and digital service-based businesses owners.

    Freelancers are also welcome - 49% have dreams of building their own agencies (we’re here for it)

  • Firstly, what does it means to be a Direct Associate?

    This approach simply means that we act as an extension of your business working towards the same sales and marketing goal incentivised by the same results.

    Your success is our success.

  • Expect to receive 20 to 100 ready, willing and able to buy prospects per month.

    The question is are you serious about acquiring new clients?

    Then, it is completely down to you and your mentality to close as many calls as we serve you.

  • Yes we call it our TRIPLE-PROTECTION GUARANTEE because we don’t believe peace of mind should be taken lightly.

    And yes, we put it in written.

    If we don’t hit our pre-agreed targets within 60 days we’ll give your money back, no questions asked - you won’t pay us a penny.

    Hey look we even put it front and centre below… rest assured we take pride in keeping clients, not just winning them.