Thank the internet gods…


Weekly Calls & 74% Show Up Rate

We know time wasters kill sales fast. You want scale your business right?

Start with this ‘Triple-Protection’ client acquisition system and keep reading to learn more about this result-driven limited offer

Latest Update: 2nd September 2024

Dear Hungry Coach,

I don’t know how you stumbled on this page but, you just made the second-best decision of the day!


You stopped doom-scrolling on socials…

You stopped blindly searching in Google town…

You choose to seek reliable business support.

You’re serious about attracting dream buyers with an evergreen sales pipeline that converts prospects into high quality clients on autopilot… Are you?

Be real with me…

Of course you are and here’s how:

The offer you read above must have gotten a “hmmm” out of ya.

Unless you’re an advance robotic simulation from like Black Mirror or something.

(Okay, future overload please leave in peace)

For the humans here, this is the most exciting message you’ve ever read.

And for those nervous Nelly’s out there, squinting at the screen through sceptical eyes thinking “what’s this now?!”

I get it, it’s a natural instinct…

A savvy business owner would question the bold claims of any company, right?

*Go grab a coffee it gets good*

To be candid, we have developed a unique ‘selling system’ which seems so obvious but it’s unlike you’ve ever seen before - or possibly again.

(And you’ll be super pumped to know we’ve used this in over…)


And we’ve applied our hybrid selling system to organic content media…

🚀 Grew a millionaire investor from 400 to 75,000 followers in 16 months organically… (this saved time to create a successful Amazon ebook and side coaching program)

🚀 Launched a financial membership brand from 233 to 10,000 followers in 6 months flat… (they’re now booking a wild 100 day mentorship program)

🚀 A LinkedIn Sales coach generated 2.5x ROI in 3 months… (Bonus is they converted X users to start LinkedIn w/coaching)

And so on… We can keep going with our success stories like these…

But listen, we’ve been testing, iterating and refining this system for years.

“Does this actually get results? I’ve hired a marketer, an appointment setter and lead generation agency in the past 12 months, and with poor ROI… I’m hungry, but it seems impossible.”

Well to answer this question, we consistently acquire 1 to 3 clients every other month and now have:

A reliable stream of dream buyers queuing to work with us.

Using tested strategies of persistent market-testing.

These are just one of the things that make this unique ‘selling system’ work…

This exciting opportunity isn’t even available to them (yet).

Because we’ve applied the marketing psychology of “why people buy” so our strategies are never stagnant…

It’s a hybrid method which doesn’t rely on hacks, tricks, shitposts, memes or whatever “the flavour of the month” is today.

It’s the simplest ‘selling system’ you’ll ever see…

Hurry… Spots are limited per month & Claim your FREE 79-min video crash course 🎁



I’m serious…

This is strictly for hungry service business owners.

Still here??

Okay, I did warn you…

I know you’re busy, I am too.

To save your most precious currency: Time… I want you to do these 3 humble things pronto:

#1 Think candidly about the biggest problem you are facing in your business right now.

#2 Defund everything you have ever heard about how to solve that exact problem online. Especially from the “gurus”, influencers, ‘ghostwriters’ and 20-something yr/old ‘experts’ (living in their mom’s basement).

#3 Control your scepticism… If you have tried all the logical routes so far. This is your opportunity to succeed with the Illogical alternative that shouldn’t makes sense. But does… reliably.

**One more thing… Read this page header to footer. And genuinely consider this seemingly nonsensical offer. And try not to laugh at our outrageous guarantee we’ve been called crazy before.


Okay, let’s crack on to…



We’re administering a result-driven offer that will make any savvy business owner’s adrenaline peak off the charts – to try with a triple-protection guarantee!

Firstly, if you have an ad campaign -barely surviving on X (formerly Twitter) we completely revamp it.

Secondly, we serve you a clean database via our truly un-ignorable squeeze page based on key elements of your website and/or landing page to enable real buyers.

And thirdly, you won’t pay us a single penny in management or testing fees!

Quite simply, if we fail to outperform (highly doubtful) your current ad campaigns, you won’t pay us for 31 days of research, testing, validation, optimisation and qualification.

Imagine that for a second…

If we don’t deliver on this result-driven promise you won’t pay us:

✅ No setup fees!

✅ No copywriting fees!

✅ No creative design fees!

✅ No vast market research fees!

✅ No qualifying consultancy fees!

✅ No magic wand-wavering client catching fees! (you still reading? – good I have your attention)

That’s right, you will pay us absolutely nothing!

Want to know what else?

Our offer isn’t to match your best preforming campaigns (that’s easy) our mission’s to BEAT the pants off it predictability and consistently without compromising on quality.

Let me put it another way…

If we don’t deliver you dream buyers, you can’t increase your marketing budget from new sales.

If you can’t increase your marketing budget from sales, you can’t pay us to deliver you dream buyers again and again.

Do you follow our mathematics?

We incentive ourselves to keep your business!

Because every new sale wouldn’t be generated without us creating new campaigns for you.

How can we make such an offer?

Basically, the “How” is never as important as the “WHY”…

I wage you’re like most service-based business owners.

You’ve tired attracting new clients the ‘time-killing’ way.

Yes, some worked (once or twice) through the guesswork model.

And you’ve found us here because…

You’re now sick-to-death of it.

The chances are you’ve been lied-to, hustled or worst…

Hurry… Spots are limited per month & Claim your FREE 79-min video crash course 🎁



They financial burned you alive, without a ransom note.

You see those scammer types online 24 hours a day.

I know you’ve been on a few bullsh*t discovery calls with them…

Those 20-something year olds living in mom’s basement, selling empty platitudes, bro clout on how ‘impressions’ = $$$.

(Seriously!! They piss me off with every low-value post)

Sorry “bros”, but we now live in a digital economy of coaches coaching coaches…

Here’s some context for you:

Ever found yourself saying this to your business partner, your team, your spouse, your kids?

They said all I needed was some viral content to kick things off.”

They said more followers and impressions will boost lead times.”

They said don’t worry, everything will be fine with more consistency.”

You keep seeing the signs…

Your gut keeps screaming “Get Out, GET OUT NOW“…

But as a founder you tell yourself.

“I am not a quitter, I’m a resilient entrepreneur. I’ll persevere.”

So you dig your kneels in and push back…

Emailing and calling for an update every hour on the hour, like a mad Tinder date you ghosted for asking to meet your parents 5 minutes after the date ended.

Calling, texting, emailing, DMing, social stalking and sending carrier pigeons out to hunt you down.

You cringe when they pop up on different feeds.

But reality check…

You’re NOW the Tinder date from HELL.

All because 6 months, 14 days, 12 hours and 39 minutes ago your entire marketing budget was murdered without witnesses.

You knew the money was missing, presumed dead but now its official – your accountant just confirmed it’s all GONE today.

Sound familiar?

Instead of wasting our resources convincing you we’re different…

For a limited time only we’ve decided to risk our time to SHOW YOU we’re different.

From consulting with hundreds of founders bad deals are happening every day…

Why? Because incompetency is rife in the digital marketing agency industry - That’s the reality.

Frankly, those cold emailers, lead scrapers and/or one-day starter “marketing experts” with abridged PDFs of Hormozi $100m Offers are promising the world and delivering the moon at best…

After months are fluff you’re left with 333 more excuses than results as contracted.

We understand this rule of thumb… “sales is the lifeblood of business, marketing is the vehicle to get there 10X faster”…

So pay close attention or digital marketing we have you…



Frankly how are we planets apart from these cheap dopamine “gurus” talking about KPIs but frequently deliver IOUs?

Well firstly, we’re not an agency praying to scrape (or bribe) clients we actually guarantee results or we don’t get paid.

Secondly, we never outsource our direct response marketing to anyone outside the company, EVER.

It’s that simple.

Nope, let’s not waste time babbling on about “being est. since 2020”…

Or how our team are in the top 2% of X accounts over 20k followers.

What’s really important is we’ve flooded inboxes with hot buyers for respective industries in 31 days.

Listen, our strategies work on autopilot so you don’t have to…

We call it the art of marketing psychology for a reason.

Think of the system like a machine.

Optimising, validating and selling 24 hours a day.

Now we don’t expect you to invest without proof.

*Lean & Read*

C’mon we’re in business too!…

Hurry… Spots are limited per month & Claim your FREE 79-min video crash course 🎁


“Who the hell are you?”

I’m Lauren Joseph from city of culture Manchester, UK.

Yes I had a 1st class degree.

Yes I had a kind friends and family.

Yes I had a well paid sales position.

But during the global Pandemic everything changed

My five figure job was at risk and I was placed on furlough indefinitely.

Bills were piling up and the vile of comfort I had taken for granted was being exposed.

It scared the sh*t out of me.

So I did what most people did…

I turned to the internet to build an another income stream but...

I failed at being affiliate marketer

I failed at being a SMMA owner

I failed at being a creator

While the ideas were good (or at least I convinced myself that they were), my execution was poor.

I had ZERO strategy.

No marketing plan in place.

My morale had hit rock bottom (again month after month).

Staring out the window mentally banged my head against the wall.

I believed I was doomed to the same combination of frustration and financial limitation FOREVER.

But, I desperate to say “I did that”.

Because I never quit trying to solving my own problems.

Then it hit me...

I was great at… just that!

Solving problems using (frankly illogical) divergent thinking.

I went against social convention by applying 3 keys focuses.

High-ticket sales skills, marketing psychology and network leverage.

I built 5 figure growth marketing agency from scratch in 6 months.

With a demand approach I created the successful framework.

No more cheap dopamine and endless tutorial loops.

I understood that the way to succeed as a service-based business owner, was to make a lucrative offer to a starving market.

Instead of serving “dope” to broke platitude addicts.

I did that well, but that’s not the end of the story…


Sleep money was the dream right?!

By this point I should have been proud of my 1st business venture and shout “I did that” from the rooftops.

So what was the problem?

Why did I still feel so bored as sh*t?

What was this sense of dread following me?

Finally I had power to make C-suite decisions, without anyone’s approval and the money to quit my 9 to 5.

But instead, I got too comfortable.

I reinvested in me, but not in my business.

I sat back waiting for the next month’s invoices to be paid (as they did).

Going through the motions, no longer super pumped to do the work.

You know what happened?

I naively made a rookie mistake.

I didn’t start a business, I created another job.

So what I do about it?

I aligned my experience with my passion. I started a direct-response marketing agency for service-based business owners on Twitter (now X) and brought it to 5 figures in half the time.

I fired all my growth clients and even “break up” with my business partner.

Because what I loved the most was helping owners market themselves.

Without scraping leads, spamming prospect DMs or praying to the internet gods for dream buyers.

BOOM! As a one-person operation I booked 7 calls in 3 day and close 2 for £4k.

(The foundership returned overnight with the revenue)

Then focused on increasing customer LTV (upsell/cross-sell) and leveraging lucrative networks.

You may now understand…

There are owners and there are “direct associates”.

A business owner is consistently working to keep the lights on.

A Direct Associate is a sales multiplier dedicated to high-level activities that moves the money needle everyday.

*cue a-ha moment*

Now that let’s verify this new-age thinking with some battle-tested proof we’ve been cooking so far!…

Hurry… Spots are limited per month & Claim your FREE 79-min video crash course 🎁


These leads (seriously) make us love doing business.

Okay, now the heart is pumping…

Let’s answer we know that burning question in your head bursting to come out…

Hurry… Spots are limited per month & Claim your FREE 79-min video crash course 🎁



It’s a matter of marketing psychology.

We openly pledge to commit to conversion simply because of our unique 5 step ‘selling system’ approach.

You see, most digital marketing agencies focus on growing sales with large databases and turbo traffic aka the (hope and pray) techy stuff. But, they know butkus about selling direct to dream buyers in this attention-crowded economy.

People often ask “Lauren, I need to move away from whitelabel business and what I really need is more traffic… Can I hire you to drive more traffic to my LP?

Yet, what hungry business owners fail to understand is…

This a HUGE misconception.

Traffic is now a commodity.

Just like bread, petrol or a pack of Walkers.

You see, never have we lived in a day and age where if you want traffic you can go to the traffic marketplace (Google, X or Meta) and buy as many of website visitors as you want, need or can afford.

All we do at VGM HQ is help you market yourself…

Hell, if we don’t we don’t get pad a penny.

(Seriously!? a month of work with nothing but our accountant paying us out on a tiny violin)

But listen up to the good news…

Our unique selling “system” is orchestrated to deliver consistently for almost any digital service-based businesses across verticals and industries at any price-point.

The framework acts like an “attention-flywheel” that spins faster with a combination of straight line research and “mind-hacking” persuasion techniques.

It’s the synthesis of psychology and the unconventional that makes this sales mechanism so effective, so calendars get booked up NOT blocked out.

We coined it “Marketing Alchemy

Though to be candid, predictable online results isn’t about…



It’s never about these promises.

Frankly, reliability and predictability is the only secret sauce in our marketing “system” that sells!

In the war of the digital worlds, our “alchemy” is a wiser investment than savings, stocks and real estate put together. Most digital marketing agencies wouldn’t even pick up a book to try and learn it.

For instance…

We discovered how to write “throat-grabbing” X Ads to engage psychological triggers - that sucks the prospect into a state of “oh damn that’s me to a T” (Compelling them to click and save another sleepless night!)

We’ve used the minimalist creative style to stop the “doom-scrollers” dead in their thumb tracks - Think about that… Dream buyers mentally raising their hand in submission. (Forced to click the link and take massive action!)

We unearthed how to win keyword bids using the A-B-C metric for X Ads - that guarantees more ICP views (all without wasting Cost-per-views on funnel hackers!)   

We diligently review your landing page to make subtle tweaks to increase conversion - No more guesswork! (Full copy extraction into the squeeze page for 2-4X more intent!)

We’ve developed a 2-STEP disqualification process proven to automatically fill your inbox without scraping a single lead - (No bots calls. No tire-kickers. No time-wasters. No hmmms or errrrrs. Just ready buyers!)

We observed competitive insights to eliminate weak players from the field (most marketers hope and pray while your AD gets seen ONLY by prospects willing to solve their problems!)

We provide our clients with a plug and play workflow to dramatically increase show up rate by 65% - Think! nothing worst than a full calendar of “no-show fiends” (Instead when they book excited to speak to you!)

At VGM HQ we help you market yourself in the most Player vs. Player arenas online, by KOing competitors with alchemist-like psychology triggers as…

Hurry… Spots are limited per month & Claim your FREE 79-min video crash course 🎁



It’s all-in-the marketing psychology.

Has this offer got you excited to do business?

Of course it has or you’d be back in YT tutorial hell by now.

*Pull up the brakes there founder… one step at a time*

This system isn’t for any Tom, Dick or Prince Harry.

There are three critical factors that must be addressed before applying for this lucrative opportunity:

You must already be running ads on X (formerly Twitter) - meaning you must be blue tick subscribed and be consistently posting quality engaging content on your timeline. Newbies or businesses looking for a quick quid will get eaten alive.

You must hand over full anatomy to us - we create copy, creative and strategy using our expert marketing strategies. (Quite frankly, too many cooks spoils the broth) As all ads that aren’t ours won’t be committed to expected results.

You must be selling a legitimate coaching, consultancy or digital service-based resources - anything we deem to be suspicious will be immediately disqualified. (Our value is to support real businesses and do good in the world) NOT hustle people in need blind.

Now… how does this opportunity sound?

Better yet, do you meet the above 3 non-negotiable criterias to work with us? If so, you know what to do.

Go HIT THE BUTTON and book to schedule your 30-minute strategy session with us and see if you’re a good fit.

. . .

P.S. You do love convincing, don’t you?!

Well… here’s the scoop fresh off the press Karen. You can continue to watch hours of “how to get…” videos until you’re blue in the face.

Hell you can even read Lauren’s X posts for mojo-boasting advice.

Maybe do the ‘normie’ thing, pull your hair out browsing on Google town for another way to get buyers, while your competition jumps on another Pod promoting their new target revenue for this quarter.

Or you can put your big boy pants on and click the button below, book a call with us and explore the real-time opportunities that get results on autopilot for that REALISTIC ONE CALL CLOSE!

The answer is… Marketing Alchemy.

But word to the wise. When an avalanche starts it doesn’t stop until it collides with an immovable objection (your business). So you better be fully dialled-in to close every call we send your way and SCALE YOUR PUPPY UP.

Thanks us later.


  • Direct response is all about impacting revenue growth!

    Most marketing agencies and business coaches that focus on mass producing unqualified leads - which is ambiguity.

    We address your ICP through targeted creative ads to get them raise their hand and take action.

    But, before they monopolise your time, we qualify them as red hot dream buyers for your realistic 1-call close.

  • We ONLY partner with coaches, consultants and digital service-based businesses owners.

    Freelancers are also welcome - 49% have dreams of building their own agencies (we’re here for it)

  • Firstly, what does it means to be a Direct Associate?

    This approach simply means that we act as an extension of your business working towards the same sales and marketing goal incentivised by the same results.

    Your success is our success.

  • Expect to receive 20 to 100 ready, willing and able to buy prospects per month.

    The question is are you serious about acquiring new clients?

    Then, it is completely down to you and your mentality to close as many calls as we serve you.

  • Yes we call it our TRIPLE-PROTECTION GUARANTEE because we don’t believe peace of mind should be taken lightly.

    And yes, we put it in written.

    If we don’t hit our pre-agreed targets within 60 days we’ll give your money back, no questions asked - you won’t pay us a penny.

    Hey look we even put it front and centre below… rest assured we take pride in keeping clients, not just winning them.

What Are Others Already Saying…


We’ll construct a campaign that is committed to beating your best performing X ads —and if we don’t (highly unlikely) hammer them then we don’t get paid for 31 days worth of work. But book a 30-min strategy call before this offer ends, and triggers the waiting list… because we’re humans (not bots) only taking 5 new clients per month.