Want This 100% FREE Traffic Flooding Swipe File For Your Business?

“How To Outsell Your Competition AND Exponentially Increase Your Online Coaching…”


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Like I promised earlier, this Swipe is free. I’m sharing the most unsuspecting way to suck in thirsty dream buyers like 1st year student at a happy hour. Even when your competition has a bigger budget, superior marketing and their services are half the price as yours…

Download Free Now and Get Access To:

23 Best-performing headline formulas Ideal for paid advertising to guarantee 50% more hot leads than organic copy along

Niche-based examples for Coaches and consultants So you can “plug and play” them straight into your campaigns in minutes, not days

BONUS 1: Foolproof Lead (Dis)qualification Script - the only way to weed out the time waster is to disqualify early and often

BONUS 2: Exclusive 70% Off Discount Code for Pinpoint Prospect Psychographics video course


Coach or Consultant by submitting this form you agree to receive emails and texts about our offers. Don’t you can unsubscribe anytime.

What Others Have Already Said…

As You Can See…

These Time Saving Formulas Have Already Helped People Around The World…

Now, Will you be next?

Only 7 Seconds Aways…

I want this FREE copy of my best powerful swipes into your inbox, ASAP!

Like I promised earlier, this Swipe is free. I’m sharing the most unsuspecting way to suck in thirsty dream buyers like 1st year student at a happy hour. Even when your competition has a bigger budget, superior marketing and their services are half the price as yours…


Coach or Consultant by submitting this form you agree to receive emails and texts about our offers. Don’t you can unsubscribe anytime.

Create The Perfect Dream Buyer Bait Copy and Secure Your Next Client Today…

Using the Direct Associate approach is a predictable lead-generating machine.

But what is the difference between a Direct Associate and a lead gen agency?

A good lead gen agency will scrape leads from every corner of the internet and throw them at you with mind-numbing volume... leaving you to hope and beg for business.

That’s if the unsuspecting prospect even shows up to the call - highly unlikely.

Now imagine this alternative situation:

You’re a fitness coach or a financial consultant.

You are in the middle of a client session.

And *ping* a notification appears on your phone saying...

“Luke, I have a hot prospect booked into meet you on Thursday at 3pm here’s the intel details”

Then 4 hours later another message for a different time slot.

And then the next morning another message wipes across your phone…

saying another one booked for you.

In that very moment you realise one important thing…

“I never have to guess when where my next client is coming from”.

All because they’re message away.

Are you still wondering what the difference is.

Well, I’ll tell you sparky…

The difference between those pirate lead generation agencies and those who partner with your business…

Is the difference between having a day job to fund your side business… and going all-in on yourself…

Finally doing what you love and getting paid well for your effort every single month…

Is a Unique Selling System.

So let’s say you want to scale your business.

But you don’t have A-Team players to help you.

Understand this… Sales, Marketing and Operations are the 3 keys to growing any business.

Now 80% of coaches get operations - delivering results for their clients.

Which leaves you with a big problem - Sales and Marketing.

So you have 2 options:

Option 1. Do it yourself

You’re then giving all 3 keys areas 33% of your attention…

Which means decline in lead flow, revenue and client retention.

Option 2. Delegate S&M to be done with you

You’re then fully focused on 80% ops with an overview of the 20% end-to-end S&M process.

The choice is yours to make.

From what I’ve seen, after being invited in by hundreds of online coaches and consultants, is that the answer is Option 2.

You need a predictable selling system that’s able to draw in high-intent dream buyers every month.

And as a Direct Associate I want us to do this together.

Selling your services at a premium on a cost effective basis.

And right now you’re about to get access a snippet of our very own system that allows us to do this consistently.

It’s called Direct Response Marketing.

This is helps you:

  • Learn proven headline frameworks

  • Apply them to your customer avatar

  • Generate white hot dream buyers everyday

  • Supercharged for paid advertising at scale

How it works from a high-level overview:

  1. You do market research to target your ICP

  2. You write a throat-grabbing sales message

  3. You get a lead to raise their hand

  4. You disqualify or qualify them

  5. You get a dream client


Result: Removed inconsistency forever.

This is exactly the same system I use to secure 7 meetings a week.

Any more is a waste of my time and energy.

You may be thinking “what about the others who may be interested?”

Now, let me being completely transparent.

I offer this Direct Associate for a focused partnership inside your business at a premium price starting from £24,000 depending on the package you choose.

This allows me to fully focus on launching winning campaigns, reposition you as superior service in the marketplace, weeding out the time wasters and empowering you to close more sales.

Now you might not have capital investment like this

I understand it takes time and we’ve just met.

If you do have the capital to start right now.

You can join my waitlist for next month availability.

Either way, I propose this Value Exchange Offer.

Claim Your Swipe Now and

Get These FREE Bonuses!

BONUS #1: Foolproof Lead Qualification

“The Lead Disqualifying Script: Break Up With Time Waster!”

Total Value: £97.00

After almost 10 years in online sales, I have exposed the secret to weeding out time waster. It’s simply disqualify early and often.

All the marketing optin pages, sales messages, ads and emails you create won’t save you from a high-paying client call (at least once). This lead disqualify script forces the prospect to sell you on why they are a good fit.

This simple 10 question interview I’m going to give you… when you apply with the right tonality, pace and cadence can be applied to ANY prospect who is remotely interested in your business.

Get This For FREE When You Download Hooks & Headlines Now!

BONUS #2: Activate Your 70% Off Code

“Understand Your Dream Buyers Avatar Better Than They Know Themselves With My 59-Min Pinpoint Prospect Psychographics Video Course!”

Total Value: £130.00

Every wonder why 60% of businesses fail in the first year?

Most blame the service or product, while other point fingers at the traffic. But I’ve seen time and time again  that even those businesses (like my competitors) don’t grasp the single most important part of client acquisition… Know your dream buyer.

This video course presentation will teach you the exponential power of understanding your dream buyer intimately and finally help you (once and for all) identify your customer avatar to get your marketing campaigns to attract white-hot leads than you can possibility imagine when you activate your limited discount code.

Get This For FREE When You Download Hooks & Headlines Now!

Like I promised earlier, this Swipe is free. I’m sharing the most unsuspecting way to suck in thirsty dream buyers like 1st year student at a happy hour. Even when your competition has a bigger budget, superior marketing and their services are half the price as yours…

Oh, and in case your “skeptical“ senses are tingling…

Yes! There’s NO CATCH!

This isn’t one of those “I’ll give it to you but…” offers they throw up on social media and then you’re bombarded with daily spam emails from every Tom, Dick or Harry selling you trash you didn’t ask for the next 365 days.

This isn’t one of those GDPR cyber hacks.

There’s none of that nonsense here - and just in case your wondering why on earth I’m sharing this with you at all…

It’s my way of sending the elevator back down to help business owners and entrepreneurs save themselves years of headaches not knowing the evergreen way of grabbing dream buyer attention online.

I want to say big thank you for following my ideas, insights and learnings so far as a dedicated subscriber.

I finally get to flex about the Damn Good… It’s ridiculous how many “expert-gurus” online only share their BS strategies 6 to 9 months after they stop working. Which basically means for owners looking to get a leg up, they end up searching around the dark not knowing the lights are gone out… so I want to change the naive from day dot to publish something that worked yesterday, today and will continue to forever more… honestly I just want you to think I’m someone of integrity. That’s my professional goal in life.

Well, let me tell you 3 reasons why:

Time Waits For No One…

This is some fake BS scarcity tactic to get you download this puppy, I’m Alan Rickman serious (RIP what a legend)!

I’m only making this Swipe File FREE for the first thousand people across all networks and they’re gone… well, I will be charging it’s real valuable!

If you bounce off this page, come back in a week and see a price tag attached please don’t troll me. I reserve the right to pull this puppy down at any time.

It’s really simple amigo…


Coach or Consultant by submitting this form you agree to receive emails and texts about our offers. Don’t you can unsubscribe anytime.

Here’s My “Nobody Has The Time“ Guarantee

So I pinky promise that you’ll love this swipe file, or I’ll give you a 20 minute strategy session with me to audit your sales leakage.

Sound like a fair deal?

Let’s Show You EVERYTHING You’re Getting Inside

Hooks & Headlines Today!

Digital Copy of Hook & Headlines

(£27.95 Value)

(£97.00 Value)

The Lead Disqualifying Script

Your 70% Off Code Off Pinpoint Prospect Psychographics Video Course

(£91.00 Value)

Total Value: £215.95

Get Your Copy For


Just Send Me Your Details In 7 Seconds


Coach or Consultant by submitting this form you agree to receive emails and texts about our offers. Don’t you can unsubscribe anytime.

This Is Rightly A Limited Offer, So Claim Your FREE Digital Copy Now Before The Freebie Are Gone…

If you’ve made it this far… thank you for reading this letter and be sure to direct message me your successful campaign wins!

Be creative,

Lauren Joseph

P.S. You still here?… or maybe like me you just skip to the end of the letter to find out what’s in it for you. Okay well here’s the deal in black and white:

I will give you direct access to 34 Throat Grabbing Attention Hooks & Headline Formulas - Supercharged For Paid Advertising (that suck in thirsty dream buyers like 1st year student at a happy hour) for FREE. Yes, it’s 100% FREE for first thousand owners, and all you need to do is complete a 7 second form.

There’s no hidden charge, no gimmick or condition involved. Just my way of providing straight-line value to the marketplace. If you’re a coach or consultant looking to cut through the crowd cherry pick your dream buyer - then this should be a no-brainer offer!

I’m so confident you will love this swipe file - if you don’t ill (and I won’t even revoke your access).

P.P.S. Now that’s the deal, stop waiting for a cosmic sign and a take decisive action by clicking the button below for your FREE copy now. It’s foolproof, you can’t lose.

Get Your FREE Copy, Just Send Me


I want this FREE copy of my best powerful swipes into your inbox, ASAP!


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